September 15th 2022

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Board Members

  • Rustin Atkeisson, President
  • Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
  • Ethan Doak, Secretary
  • Jai Chauhan, Immediate-past President
  • Aaron Rivers, At-Large
  • James Lancaster, At-Large
  • LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
  • Doug Wilson, At-Large
  • Gary Titus, Treasurer



  • Michael Atherton
  • Kim Nguyen
  • Patrick Hutchison
  • David Springs

Standing Items

  • Thanks & Recognition
    • Ethan Doak, Jai Chauhan, Sherry Ibrahim, and everyone that helped with the Regatta! (and Sarah for cucumber sandwiches and lemonade)
    • City of Augusta and Augusta PD for all of their help with the regatta
    • JB, Joe Birzer, and Roy Lyons for the donation and installation of the AC in the screen printing lab

Old Business

AED purchase

  • Progress Update
  • $1650 for a Heartsine system community and school value pack from AED Superstore.

Jai will reach out to the Sedgwick County Health Department and the Red Cross to see if units can be purchased for less through them.

    • Does the recommended unit have a training mode? No it does not but a training unit can be purchased.

Rustin moves we spend up to $2000 to order the Heartsine System or equivalent alternative after contacting the Red Cross for recommendation and determining how severe the backorder issue is.

Gary Seconds Motion carries by acclamation

COVID Mask Policy Discussion / Update - All

Name alignment between various locations - Jai

    • Patrick & James L. to follow up with Tom B. to close this issue out
      • Jai has provided a BEA (Amendment to Filing) form to Rustin to sign and return to the Secretary of State with a check for $20. Form sent on the 9-14-22
      • Annual Filing is due every June 15th. There is no penalty for filing the Annual Report after June 15th so long as it is not filed later than September 15th of the same year.

Therefore it is optimal to file the annual report following the election of a new board in July.

    • Network for Good (Facebook) has been administering funds (not sure if all funds have been sent)


    • Letterpress - working on it as of 7/21, will have it done before the 1st class

Descrimination and Harassment Policy/Committee

  • Had a meeting on August 30th
  • Have started on the policy
  • Received an offer for services to help write the policy
  • Had 5 people show up for the meeting

Treasurer Computer

  • Still need to meet with finance,
    • Needs to have a minimum 17 inch (431.8mm) screen and also needs to run Linux (for the VPN) while also supporting office products (Virtual Machine or able to connect to the internet for Microsoft 360)
    • IT thinks something about $500 could fit this bill
    • Sherry moves that we allow IT to purchase and setup a laptop for the treasurer.

Aaron seconds Passes by acclamation

New Business

Treasurer’s Report - Gary

  • Woodshop Fundraiser
  • Working on paperwork to accept SKW Grant
  • next finance meeting will be on Monday September 19th at 7:00pm
  • MakeICT was put in the wrong category for Property Taxes, Jai filed a protest and had a hearing, More hoops are being jumped through, but should be resolved by September hopefully
  • Electricity bill went up to $1300
  • Gas bill went down
  • Gary is working on reconciling all of the books
    • Has reconciled the bento cards
    • Is finding a significant difference between amount recorded in quickbooks and what is in our bank accounts

Bento Swap

  • Currently being charged monthly for use of the bento cards
  • Takes 3 days to transfer funds or change limits
  • We do not earn interest on any of the funds sitting in the bento account
  • Emprise is willing to provide each area lead with a ‘card’ for no charge
  • Suggest getting Emprise cards for each area lead and shut down the Bento cards once cards are received

Doug moves we shift from Bento cards to providing Emprise cards to those with funding privileges, pending no loss of functionality Sherry seconds Motion carried unanimously

July Minutes Approval

  • Board to review August 5th minutes in September board meeting pending review by James and Ethan.
  • Board to review August 18th minutes
  • Rustin moves we approve the minutes from August 5th as well as August 18th

James Seconds Motion passes by acclamation

Kansas Non-Profit Chamber of Commerce

  • Half the board recently met with the KNC to figure out ways to improve the structure
  • In the process, the board learned of many opportunities through KNC that would help MakeICT grow by figuring out a way around some previous roadblocks
  • By joining, this would also give members access to tools and resources on the KNC website
  • Cost would be $150/yr
    • Rustin moves we add ourselves to the nonprofit chamber of commerce
    • LaDeana seconds

Motion passes by acclamation

Muse Meridian

  • They would like to join MakeICT and use one of the classrooms possibly for storage and practicing music
  • Part of the Meridian School, they have a stage and a podcast system. They help teach classes and help underserved students/youth. They would like to formally recognize a partnership with MakeICT.
  • Potential for small concert events in the future
    • Rustin moves to recognize Muse Meridian’s partnership with MakeICT and to encourage cross collaboration on future events and projects between organizations.

Sherry Seconds Motion passes by acclamation

Brewing Event in November

  • John Maksimowicz represents the WIchita Homebrew Association
    • Would like to host the event on Nov 5th at MakeICT
    • Event would provide samples and explain the process
    • Would be like a demonstration with a registration requiring attendees to be 21 or older (attendees need ID)
    • Board requests that attendees present IDs if liquor is present for the event

Committee Chairperson election

  • Currently lead by the following people:
    • Security - Ken Steadman
    • IT - Tom Bloom
    • Membership Committee - Jai Chauhan
    • Communication - Sherry Ibrahim
    • Community - ?? - Suggest shutting down this committee
    • Finance - Dan Kries
    • Facilities - Saga Romig (Joe Birzer is willing to take over this committee)
    • Fundraising - Ethan Doak
    • Classroom - LaDeana Dockery
    • Inventory and Procurement - Anna DiSalvo
    • Descrimination and Harassment Policy (ad hoc) - Sherry Ibrahim
    • Long Term Planning (ad hoc) - LaDeana Dockery
    • Garden - Sean Sanderfur
    • Visual Arts - Kim Nguyen
    • AV - James Lancaster
    • Gallery - Ernst Kind
    • Jai moves to reject this list of committee chairpeople until each committee submits meeting minutes with their recommendation for a committee chairperson

Rustin tables this until next month Ethan will contact committees with the process for submitting a recommendation for committee leads

Ethan moves we approve the recommended chairpeople for Multimedia - James Lancaster Facilities - Joe Birzer Sherry Seconds Passes by acclamation

2022 Board Meeting Dates

  • Review and approve dates for the 4th quarter of board meetings
  • Normal Board meetings:
    • October 20th (bwtb - Oct 15th)
    • November 17th (bwtb - Nov 12th)
    • December 15th (bwtb - Dec 10th)
  • Quarterly Membership Meeting:
    • December 17th (3rd Saturday of the December) 5pm

Aaron moves we accept the dates LaDeana Seconds Passes by acclamation

Board Recognition of Visual Arts committee with following officers

Chairperson - Kim Nguyen Secretary - Michael Atherton

Wiki: Request for Allocation of Space: Classroom 1 Closet for storage of materials and tools for Visual Arts committee Sherry moves we formally recognize the visual arts committee, recognize Kim Nguyen as Chairperson, Michael Atherton as Secretary, and allot them the Classroom 1 Closet Aarron Seconds Passes by acclamation

Gallery Wall

  • gallery wants a 20ft wall to display art pieces
    • requests $400 for to build and create a wall outside of room 4 to display and showcase gallery pieces

The $400 would cover the cost of 2x4s, plywood, drywall, and mud and tape for a 20ft wall Would like to have the wall completed by the 26th for the first show The first show would feature an artist that will be leaving the country at the start of October Sherry moves we approve the request of the gallery committee Aaron seconds Passes by acclamation

Committee Reports

Committees should consider their chairpeople in the next month before the election in September.

Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery

Communications - TBD

  • Meetings:
    • Recurring: 4th Wednesday @ 8pm

Events Committee - X

  • See above (Classroom Management Committee)

Facilities Committee - Saga Romig

  • On Calendar Tuesday 6:30

Finance Committee - Dan Kries

  • 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
  • Usually meet in Room 3 or the lounge (whichever is cooler)

Fundraising - Ethan Doak

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Thursday @ 7pm)

Letterpress - David

  • Jai and David have discussed getting a Bento card for Letterpress (also need to look at setting up a card for Events committee, and garden committee)

Lounge/Breakroom - David Mendoza

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

  • Suggested to see if people want to take over this.

Garden - Sean Sandefur

  • Meetings 10am Sundays
  • having meetings on Sundays

IT - Tom Bloom

  • Next meeting ?

Inventory - Anna DiSalvo/Wallis Mead

  • Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)

Membership (and Community Outreach) - Jai

Membership as of 2022-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-05-12: 462 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-06-16: 459 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-07-21: 457 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-08-18: 456 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-09-18: 445 (plus 2 donors)

  • next meeting Monday Sept

Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery

  • See Classroom above.

Scholarships - x

  • As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed in August.

Security (and Safety) - Ken Steadman/David Springs

  • are working on a proposal to update and upgrade the security cameras

Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x

  • See events

Welcome Center - Angel

Next meeting not on calendar: When?

  • As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed 1 months/meetings from now.

Other Items Discussed

Past Events

Upcoming Events

  • Maker Monday
    • 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Breakfast with the board
  • October 15th 9am
  • Rock Rd Village Inn
  • Member Orientation
    • Tuesday September 20th @ 6pm
    • Saturday October 8th @2:30pm
    • Tuesday October 18th @ 6pm

Decision Summary

  • None

Task Summary

  • None

Gary moves we adjourn LaDeana Seconds