Area and Committee Descriptions

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Areas are the physical spaces within the MakeICT building, whereas committees are groups dedicated to sustaining and growing the MakeICT community. Standing committees perform the vital functions that keep MakeICT up and running, while ad hoc committees are formed by the board for a specific purpose.

The area and committee leads have, more or less, the same responsibilities:

  • Attend leads and chairs meetings
  • Attend Maker Mondays (currently 2nd and 4th Mondays)
  • Attend new member orientations (weeks following on Tuesdays/Saturdays)
  • Maintain inventory
  • Hold regular meetings
  • Make a budget yearly
  • Recruit members for the area/committee and sub leads
  • Maintain equipment
  • Hold “basics”/safety classes regularly (for areas)

They also all share one "perk" in common: the opportunity to make decisions that benefit MakeICT community.

With their budgets, committees and area leadership may replace consumables and make repairs to property, but they also use these funds to hold events, purchase new equipment, and arrange the physical space of an area to make it more orderly, usable, and attractive. Summaries of each area and committee are available at their pages, but here's a quick rundown of what each one is/does:
