April 18th 2024
Board Members
- Mike Atherton, President
- Aaron Rivers, Vice-President
- Rustin Atkeisson, Treasurer
- Gretchen Koch, Secretary
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- Dean Day, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Serena Oden-Powers, At-Large
- Sam Richardson
- Adam Denton
Opening and Mission Statement
- The regular monthly meeting of the MakeICT board of directors convenes on Thursday, April 18 at 7:00 pm in the MakeICT building.
- MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Thanks and Recognition
- Joe for all the work he’s put into the lawn mowers
- Tim, Ted, and Dean helping out members with time deadline
- Rustin, Dean, Larry for setting up projector
- Everyone who is helping out with prepping for the ren faire:
- Rustin, Lynne Crawford, Gretchen, and Matt for cleaning the tent.
- Lynne for fixing grommets
- Tricia for Purge week and Maker Market
Old Business
New Projector Bought and Installed in Room 4
- Spent $1,400 of the approved $2,000 (will show up in April’s expenses).
- Rustin plasma cut and welded the parts, Larry M sandblasted and powder coated the support parts, Dean and Rustin installed the projector and parts, followed by Randy R doing the final alignment and adjustment of the projector.
- It’s already getting some use.
First Thursday Board Workshop
- Every First Thursday of the month
- Workshop to address issues from members 7-8pm
- Closed executive session for the Board 8-9pm
Handicap Parking Expansion
- Looking at pouring a 15ft wide by 25ft long pad next to the existing handicap parking space for a 2nd handicap space.
- Update: Not complete yet, but we may have two people willing to bring out tractors and excavate the asphalt
- Should start at the beginning of May– it needs to be done a week before Spring Market (May 18).
Air Conditioning
- Corey called Aaron and said he’d get in touch with Rustin re: questions
- Probably won’t have central (building-wide) AC by the end of this term, but it is attainable to have the infrastructure in place.
- Could possibly pull the black jail sign from the frontage and move it somewhere closer to the garden and sideways
- 4’x12.5’ sign => 50sqft
- Permit is $25 for 10sqft +$6/10sqft, so $49 for the license
- $1200 to have a licensed sign made
Purge Week
Purge Week is an opportunity for area leads to remove/trade items from their areas, ideally to be scheduled quarterly.
This year's dates are April 27th - May 5th.
- Leads will place items to be purged in Room 2, where they will be up for auction by membership.
- Each item will have its own auction form where bids may be placed.
- Leads will maintain first priority, and may pull items from auction.
- Otherwise, items will remain on auction until Friday (May 3) at midnight, and must be removed by Sunday (May 5) at noon.
- Leads need to sign up on the white board by the entrance and/or contact Tricia by May 2, to reserve a date and time to get their stuff in Room 2. Auctions for the items from each area will begin when that area’s items are in Room 2.
SCA Agreement
The SCA would like to start meeting at MakeICT. It may involve sword play, might be indoor or outdoor, and will involve marshals.
The request to have 2 hosts with memberships/keys during events is discussed, and will be changed to require (at least) one marshall as designated host for each event.
Motion: Aaron moves to approve the contract.
Seconded by: Dean
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Text of contract with SCA approved. .
- Aaron will coordinate with Amy (SCA) to get the contract signed.
Area Reports
Going forward, meeting agendas will have a section titled Area Reports, in which the Vice President gives an executive summary of area reports. Aaron is working on a set of questions that should be answered each month.
Executive summary of area reports to be posted here.
Bento Card Replacement
We need to find an alternative to Bento cards, as Bento was recently bought out by US Bank. Rustin set up a demo with PEX for board members and any interested leads.
Motion: Rustin moves to adopt the non-profit version of the PEX debit card system.
Seconded by: Aaron
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes.
@DECISION: PEX is adopted as the replacement debit card system to replace Bento.
- Rustin to start paperwork on setting up the PEX account before the next board meeting.
New Business
Revision to Storage Policy
A shortage of locker space requires a revision to the current storage policy, available at https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Storage_Policy
Proposed changes:
Lockers and Other Rented Personal Storage
- If you terminate your membership, your rental of storage is forfeit and any contents not claimed in 30 days will be considered property of the makerspace.
- Ending your membership does not guarantee that you will get the same locker back if you rejoin later. Your locker can be reassigned immediately after you end your membership.
Involuntary loss of membership - If items are not claimed within 30 days, they will be packaged and shipped to the address on file.
Motion: Rustin moves to update the storage policy with these revisions.
Seconded by: Mike
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Storage policy will be updated by Gretchen to included the revised text.
- Rustin to start clearing out unassigned lockers at the end of purge week.
Call for Election Committee
- Collect nominations
- Contact nominees, see if they accept
- Post on the forum requesting election committee members
- Include notice about the election and committee spots in the next newsletter
- Post candidates to the wiki
- Create Q&A threads for each candidate on the forum
- Create and send ballot
- Voting starts at beginning of annual meeting, goes for 48 hours
- Tabulate and post results
The election committee will include outgoing board members who are inclined, as well as the Secretary (assigned to nominate committee members).
See https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Voting_Policy for official policy.
Motion: LaDeana moves to approved Steve Saner as Election committee lead.
Seconded by: Rustin
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Steve Saner is approved as election committee lead.
Purchase of a ZTR Lawn Mower
The board considers purchasing a new ZTR lawn mower to maintain MakeICT grounds. The new lawn mower would replace the existing mowers.
- Lawn mower affects the value of the space.
- It would cost a ton to hire someone to do it for us, and it’s a code violation to have an unmowed lawn.
- Existing lawn mowers are actively depreciating as they’re wearing down.
- ZTR New would be $3,000 ($3.5-4k lower range) - $6,000 for upper level “Harley Davidson” type mowers
- Regular maintenance would be required to maintain value and reliability
- Will create a maintenance log– maintenance is based on hours of use, and the mower records hours. The manual will reflect what’s needed based on hours of usage.
- Set up a mowing schedule with authorizations about a week in advance– peer authorization, with logs of who is authorized.
- Requirements to use: training and agreement to maintain
- Both mowers leak fuel through the carburetor, making them active hazards.
- Other projects: hydrants, letter press, dust collector, handicap spot(s)
Motion: Aaron moves to allocate up to $4,500 for a new ZTR mower and scrap the existing two.
Seconded by: Rustin
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Up to $4,500 is approved for purchase of new ZTR mower, and the existing two mowers will be removed.
- Rustin to work with local businesses to find the best deal on a ZTR mower, to be reviewed by board before purchase.
Treasurer’s Report
- Income: $15,000
- Utilities insight: $1700
- Instructor pay: $600
- Shop expenses: $2500
- Project Expenses: $1,400 (3d printer and Linda Hall Library In Memoriam)
- Total expenses: $9,100
- Cash positive by: $5,900
- Unspent money allocated to incomplete projects:
- $0 spent of $1650 for garden hydrants
- $0 spent of $1750 for handicap parking space
- $200 spent of $1000 for letterpress (Adam is continuing to work on the Letterpress)
- $3,400 spent of $6,000 from Collins grant to improve ventilation in the metals hops and wood shops.
- If money has not been spent on these projects by the next board meeting, then they need to be reviewed and determine if the funds should still be allocated for these projects
- Completed projects since January
- $500 of $500 to Linda Hall Library
- $1400 of $2000 spent on room 4 projector (almost completely) setup
- $900 of $1000 spent on Prusa Mk4 printer
- Under budget on completed projects by $700
- Almost $7000 in incomplete projects
- Got a notice from the IRS saying we still owe taxes for 2014 – $9k in late fees.
- Close the windows and turn off lights in each shop before leaving.
- Reset thermostats to appropriate temperature to save energy, close windows, and turn off lights when leaving a room.
Approval of Previous Minutes
3/21/2024: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/March_21st_2024
Motion: Mike moves to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by: James
- Dean votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: Minutes are accepted.
Policy updates to support PEX cards
Existing Bento Card Policy will need some editing to support the new card system. The Bento Card Policy will be renamed ‘Purchase Card Policy’ https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Rzc4x-TjtFpYsIWBPvFj7XTQ8WpXEav613wqQ03Tdw/edit?usp=sharing
Motion: Rustin moves to adopt the Purchase Card Policy as written
Seconded by: Aaron
- Dean votes: Yes
- LaDeana votes: Yes
- Aaron votes: Yes
- James votes: Yes
- Rustin votes: Yes
- Serena votes: Absent
- Gretchen votes: Yes
Result: Motion passes
@DECISION: The Purchase Card policy as (re)written is adopted.
Communications - Newsletter
The next newsletter will come out at the end of April. Please send blurbs to communications@makeict.org.
Guidelines for future newsletters:
- Be positive and forward-looking with articles.
- If asked to submit an article, you are allowed to say "No," with the exception of the Pres and VP, who will have to submit make-up articles the following month.
- Leads and Directors are encouraged to submit articles.
- Deadline for submissions will be the 25th of each month.
- Newsletter will be published on the first of the month.
- Members are also encouraged to take photos of activities at MakeICT and submit them for the newsletter.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Text of contract with SCA approved. .
- @DECISION: PEX is adopted as the replacement debit card system to replace Bento.
- @DECISION: Storage policy will be updated by Gretchen to included the revised text.
- @DECISION: Steve Saner is approved as election committee lead.
- @DECISION: Up to $4,500 is approved for purchase of new ZTR mower, and the existing two mowers will be removed.
- @DECISION: Minutes are accepted.
- @DECISION: The Purchase Card policy as (re)written is adopted.