June 15th 2023
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Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President (online)
- James Lancaster, At-Large (online)
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Gary Titus, Treasurer
- Doug Wilson, Secretary
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Joe Birzer, At-Large
- Michael Atherton
- Dean Day
- John Nicholas
- Larry Meeks
- Gretchen Koch
- Nichole Reid and Balto
- Ben Rogers
- Beniah Crossette
- Mike Barushok (online)
- Gaye Caine
- Greg Caine
- Samantha Caine
- Mindy McKinley
- Jeremy Blackburn (online)
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Election committee for keeping up with all of the nominations!
- Code of Conduct Committee for taking on the task of reviewing CoC reports with seriousness and respect
- Joe B., Wes T., and Gaye C. for taking care of the ‘slightly’ over heated t-shirt press in screenprinting
- Jeremy Blackburn who has been leading up the fundraising for the Raise The Roof campaign
Old Business
Surplus Auction
- Still got a couple items in room 2 to move
MakerFair - Exploration Place
- Rustin and John Harrison have been asked to lead up the ‘tinker corner’ of maker fair this year
- John will approach the area leads during the area leads meeting on 6/12/2023 about areas getting involved with makerfaire (ceramics has committed to being there)
Election Committee
- Steve Owens, Scott Sullivan, and Dave Miller are a part of the election committee
- Officially taking nominations through elections@makeict.org (also accepting by word of mouth)
- Current nominations can be found on the wiki once the election committee confirms with the nominees: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/2023_Board_Nominations_and_Election_Results
- Test email will not be done since there is not a way to send one
- An email will be sent Monday Morning and will be posted/pinned to the top of the forum page
Roof Funding
- We down selected and signed a contract with Buckley Roofing
- Material has been ordered, waiting to hear on next step from Buckley
- Need to start fundraising for the remaining $38,000 not covered by insurance
- Currently scheduled to start construction in the middle of September
- The entire payment is due upon completion of the roof (most likely the end of September)
- Will look at redoing the parking lot after the roof is done since heavy equipment may tear up the surface further (John Nicholas was involved with the parking lot work done in 2019)
- Greg Caine suggests reaching out to the 7 or 8 asphalt companies in Wichita to see if someone would donate the asphalt fillings
New Business
Treasurer’s Report - Gary and Nicole Reid
- General $5000
- Utilities $3000
- Labs $3700 (Metalshop spent $1000 on ventilation and other projects)
- Total Expenses $13800
- Made over $15,600 (membership dues, classes, lockers, donations, consumables)
- Net $1,788
- Spent over budget by about $1000
- Fundraising Raise the Roof Campaign link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=32VKV5BHTTN26
- Cash and check are preferred
- Paypal is our online method and they do charge a fee so please check the box
- Paypal Link Fundraising deadline undetermined at this time.
- If we don’t hit the target, it does not put us under, but it does remove any financial buffer we would have for any other emergency
- Can also donate through facebook on your birthday
- Dillons card still sends funds to makeict but the amazon Smile is done
Minutes Approval
- Board to review minutes notes from May
May 18th: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/May_18th_2023 (Need to reflect that the Minutes for May 24th: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/May_24th_2023
- Gary moves to approve both the May 18th and the May 24th meeting minutes. 2nd by Aaron Rivers
- Vote By Acclamation. Motion Carries. @DECISION: [Minutes Approval]
Maker Market - September 16th
- Need to approve contracts for Maker Market
- Maker Market will again be indoors and outdoors
- Link to contract: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1M9MTlyqS6RAvk6TIfO9vbkdJJ6ZRX0Xq
- Malissa $300 to cover the permit fees for doing the outdoor portion of the market
- Rustin motions to approve indoor/outdoor market contract for September 16th as well as the expenditure of up to $300 for the outdoor permit. 2nd by LaDeana.
Doug: Yes Aaron: Yes Gary: Yes LaDeana: Yes Joe: Yes Sherry: Yes James: Yes
Motion Carries: 7 Yay, 0 Nay, 0 Abstain @DECISION: [Maker Market]
COC Committee updates
- June Huie has had to step down from the committee
- Gemma Blackburn has been suggested to be added to the committee and would be willing to support the committee.
- Sherry Moves that we add Gemma Blackburn to the COC Reports Committee. Gary Seconds.
Doug: Yes Aaron: Abstain Gary: Yes Joe: Yes LaDeana: Yes Sherry: Yes James: Abstain
Motion Carries: 5 Yay, 0 Nay, 2 Abstain @DECISION: [Gemma Blackburn added to COC Report Committee]
- Review of COC Committee process for reviewing reports
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJBPUUFjCBUr7muHvkAa3Id2ivZBnOfp/view?usp=drive_link
- Process will be posted under the COC Committee wiki page and will be reviewed to turn into policy in a following board meeting.
- Further process needs to be written and reviewed
- 4 reports have been reviewed
- COC Determination 2023-06-1 - committee recommends no action
- Aaron moves to accept the committees findings in COC Determination 2023-06-1. Doug Seconds.
- COC Determination 2023-06-1 - committee recommends no action
Doug: Yes Aaron: Yes Gary: Yes Joe: Yes LaDeana: Yes Sherry: Yes James: Yes
Motion Carries: 7 yay, 0 nay, 0 abstain @DECISION: [COC Determination 2023-06-1]
- COC Determination 2023-06-2 - board does not accept this determination
- COC Determination 2023-06-3 - committee recommends no action but to file the determination
- LaDeana moves to accept the committees findings and determination in COC Determination 2023-06-3. 2nd by Sherry.
Doug: Abstain Aaron: Yes Gary: Yes Joe: Yes LaDeana: Yes Sherry: Yes James: Abstain
Motion Carries 5 Yay, 0 Nay, 2 Abstain @DECISION: [COC Determination 2023-06-3]
- COC Determination 2023-06-4 - Committee recommends returning the determination for additional research.
- Board entered executive session with the COC committee to discuss a report that requested immediate action.at 9:28pm and exited session at 9:43pm.
Post-Annual Meeting Meeting
- Will need to have an additional meeting to approve the next board Treasurer and President as the account holders
- Will need to be setup by the next elected board (would help to have this vote done before they take office 7/1/2023)
- Rustin motions to have a board meeting on June 23rd at 7pm to approve of the next board to take over financial accounts. Gary Seconds.
Doug: Yes Aaron: Yes Gary: Yes Joe: Yes LaDeana: Yes Sherry: Yes James: Yes
Motion Carries: 7 Yay, 0 Nay, 0 Abstain @DECISION: [Post Annual Meeting]
Metalshop LeanTo
- Information only at this point
- Metalshop now has a piece of equipment that really should not be indoors with the rest of the metalworking equipment
- We are looking into pouring a 10ft wide pad the length of the hot shop, potentially a mono slab pour and 6in thick concrete
- Might take about 6 cubic yards of concrete (potentially $1,000 for that much concrete if we do the work ourselves, but that is beyond Joe and Wes’s comfort on doing on our own, might be close to $2k to have a company pour it).
- Concrete companies charge a minimum of 10yrs to deliver
- Might consider a shipping container if code allows
- This equipment will require a cover over the new equipment, which might impact recovering the roof and will need to coordinate with Buckley to see how this would impact the recover and what their preference would be. (no idea how much a decent structure and roof would run, but could double the price)
- Will need to look at permits, but would like to include sound deadening walls to prevent complaints from neighbors
- Not sure on cost at this point, but this would definitely be a secondary project to getting the roof done, as well as re-paving the parking lot
- Rustin encourages members to attend to discuss this further at the next metalshop meetup on 7/6 4:30pm
Committee Reports
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Member Orientation
- Saturday June 10th @2:30pm
- Tuesday June 20th @ 6pm
- ’’’Quarterly meeting/Annual Meeting’’’
**Sunday June 18th @ 5pm
- ’’’Last Scheduled Monthly Board meeting of this term’’’
**Thursday June 15th @ 7pm
Doug Motions we adjourn. Aaron seconds.
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: [Minutes Approval]
- @DECISION: [Maker Market]
- @DECISION: [Gemma Blackburn added to COC Report Committee]
- @DECISION: [COC Determination 2023-06-1]
- @DECISION: [COC Determination 2023-06-3]
- @DECISION: [Post Annual Meeting]
Task Summary
- None