March 16th 2023
- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.2 Communications - Sherry Ibrahim
- 1.5.3 Events Committee - X
- 1.5.4 Facilities Committee - Joe Birzer
- 1.5.5 Finance Committee - Gary Titus
- 1.5.6 Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- 1.5.7 Letterpress - Doug Wilson
- 1.5.8 Lounge/Breakroom - LaDeana Dockery?
- 1.5.9 Garden - Sherry Ibrahim
- 1.5.10 IT - James Lancaster
- 1.5.11 Inventory - Ben Rogers
- 1.5.12 Membership (and Community Outreach) -
- 1.5.13 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.14 Scholarships - x
- 1.5.15 Security (and Safety) - Rustin Atkeisson
- 1.5.16 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.5.17 Welcome Center - Ben
- 1.6 Other Items Discussed
- 1.7 Past Events
- 1.8 Upcoming Events
- 1.9 Decision Summary
- 1.10 Task Summary
Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Doug Wilson, At-Large
- Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Ethan Doak, Secretary
- Gary Titus, Treasurer
- Scott Sullivan
- Jeremy Blackburn
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- LaDeana, James, John, and Malissa for hosting USD 259s Virtual School
- LaDeana, Malissa, and John for picking up the ball when USD261 made a surprise early visit to the makerspace
- Christian for all the stuff he does that often gets unnoticed.
- Steve O for all the stuff he does that often gets unnoticed.
Old Business
Wichita Virtual School (USD 259) Education Imagine Academy
- They came and enjoyed their visit
- Word has spread to other virtual schools and potentially have another set of visits in the works
Surplus Auction
- Is live
- Auction closed with a total sales over over $1900
- The 10% commission was on top of that amount, so once all payments are received by Gavel Roads, they would send us a check for the amount goods sold for
MakerFair - Exploration Place
- Rustin and Malissa are on the panel
- Had a meeting on the 15th.
- Discussed what needed to be done by Exploration Place and the Advanced Learning Library
- Advanced Learning Library is reaching out to their pool of volunteers to see if there are enough people to support the event
Roof Funding
- Insurance said a new roof was not needed
- Were suggested to either silver the roof or can put a 2nd layer on over the existing roof
- Need to get updated quotes, but will most likely be fund raising through the building fund to pay for the roof
Makerfest Market March 25 (11am-3pm)
- Permit submitted
- Almost all of the spots were filled for the outdoor and indoor booths
- Skipped on the large outdoor tent - no one signed up for those spots
New Business
Treasurer’s Report - Gary
- Had a positive income by $3000
- We spent less than anticipated
- Instructor fees and electric bill were higher
- Rough budgets for each area should be up to date as of March 1st
- Some Bento cards still need to be setup so some areas have not been spending
- Hovering around 488-490 members
- Next board meeting: need to look at how to handle refunds for members that had paid for 3yr or 5yr memberships
Wild Apricot Price Increase/Extension
- Wild Apricot is going from 228/month to 280
- Not certain we can still do it, emails about it came out Feb 1 (but not labeled as from WA), and Mar 1
- Will cost ~4460 for 2 years, save about 2200
Option 1: Do nothing, cost will be 6912 total (over 24 months) Option 2: 1 year will be 5572 total (over 24 months) Option 3: 2 year will be 4651 total (over 24 months)
Rustin motions that we pursue option 3 if possible, and amend the budget to allow for a lumpsum payment to wild apricot for up to 4800 to cover the 2 year period. 2nd by Aaron Rivers (Would pay for March or April 2023- 2025) Vote passes by acclimation
Minutes Approval
- Board to review minutes notes from February
- LaDeana motions that we accept February’s minutes.
- 2nd by Rustin
- Motion passes by acclamation
Ceramics Studio Access Policy Update
- Link to current ceramic studio wiki page:
- Ceramics studio does not currently have an access policy
- Gaye would like to add an access policy for the ceramics studio by adding the following lines:
- Use of the Ceramics Studio requires attendance in the area authorization
class. Completion of the authorization class will grant access to the area and use of the equipment…
- Operation of the kiln is limited to the Ceramics Studio Lead, Assistant
Lead(s), and their designees.
- Main concern is the maintenance of the ceramics studio and not the safety
- Authorization Classes would be offered on more than just Tuesday nights
- Link to proposed access policy: Ceramics Area Policy
- Proposed Policy update to wiki page:
- Use of the Ceramics Studio requires attendance in the area authorization class. Completion of the authorization class will grant access to the area and use of the equipment.
- Operation of the kiln and pug mill is limited to the Ceramics Studio Lead, Assistant Lead(s), and their designees.
- Members that have been using the ceramics studio prior to 3/16/2023 are authorized but are encouraged to contact the area lead and have a 1 on 1 session to answer any questions or concerns.
- Doug moves to accept the new ceramics area access policy.
- LaDeana 2nds
- Motion passes by acclamation
@DECISION: Ceramics Policy Update
- Note: Slip molding station is on loan and is currently in limbo as to where the station will end up. The station is currently not accessible.
Guest Access Policy Update
- Current policy does not explicitly state how to handle babysitting or unattended children.
- Current policy link:
- Membership committee will look into updating this policy.
Creation of Election Committee
- Would like to request the formation of an election committee with 3 members that are not planning on running for the board in the 2023 term.
- Would like to have someone from IT involved, as well as past election committee members (like Mike Barushok)
- Last Year was James L., Mike B., Steve O. and 2 other people)
- Has been tasked to the secretary in the past
- Doug W. is not eligible for this term, and is willing to be on the committee
- James L. has a video he will share with the people on the committee to help setup the ballot
- 2022 nomination example page:
- Election committee policy:
- LaDeana moves that Doug Wilson be the Election Committee Chair for the 2023-2024 election
- 2nd by Doug WIlson
- Vote passes - 5 approval
- Per policy, the rest of the committee would have to be appointed by the board.
Open Position On Board
- Secretary position resigned
- The position was unopposed during the election
- Per Bylaws (Article VI, Section 6), we have 3 months to fill the position
- We would need to fill the position by the start of June
- LaDeana can help with keeping the wiki updated
- Doug is willing to take on the task but would need support
- This would still leave an open member at large position
- Would need to notify our accountant on the change in position for tax purposes
- This position can be appointed or elected
- Jeremy Blackburn will consider being appointed to the open member at large position
Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3: “In the case of a vacancy on the board, the remainder of the board has the right to appoint an interim member or to hold a special election to elect an interim member to fill the position for the remainder of the term.”
- Rustin motions that we appoint Doug Wilson to the position of Secretary for the remainder of the 2022-2023 term.
- 2nd by LaDeana
- Motion passes, 4 in favor, 1 abstained
- We will wait until the April board meeting to appoint the open board position (Jeremy Blackburn would like to run for the position, thank you)
- This appointment would not count toward the 3 term limit
- Doug motions to adjourn
- 2nd by Aaron
Committee Reports
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
Communications - Sherry Ibrahim
- Meetings:
- Recurring: day/time will change, TBD
Events Committee - X
- See above (Classroom Management Committee)
Facilities Committee - Joe Birzer
- On Calendar Tuesday 6:30
Finance Committee - Gary Titus
- 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
- Usually meet in Room 3 or the lounge (whichever is cooler)
Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Thursday @ 7pm)
Letterpress - Doug Wilson
Lounge/Breakroom - LaDeana Dockery?
Garden - Sherry Ibrahim
Plot rentals are open for returning garden members, see/email/message Sherry for details First tomatoes repotted into larger pots, Allium spp have been moved to raised beds. A second shelf was installed in boiler room and light was hung above it with Rob DuTeau’s help. Cold frame built by Jesse over bok choy. Daikon radishes for soil improvement have sprouted. Hard freeze this next weekend is delaying further planting. Master Gardeners may be out in their plot at any time now and have been permitted access to shed and watering equipment etc. Facilities will be rebuilding the water faucet Next meeting is Sunday March 19 at 10AM, currently meeting every other week Submitted a grant application for a $3k grant with focus of educating children on edible gardening
IT - James Lancaster
- Computer lab up, but not finished.
Inventory - Ben Rogers
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
Membership (and Community Outreach) -
Membership as of 2022-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-05-12: 462 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-06-16: 459 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-07-21: 457 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-08-18: 456 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-09-18: 445 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-10-22: 452 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-11-17: 448 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-12-15: 449 Membership as of 2023-01-19: 468 Membership as of 2023-02-16: 480 Membership as of 2023-03-16: 490
- next meeting Monday January
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- See Classroom above.
Scholarships - x
- As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed in August.
Security (and Safety) - Rustin Atkeisson
- have a couple more cameras up
- security asks that people not put tall objects on top of the glass cabinets in the West hall
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- See events
Welcome Center - Ben
Other Items Discussed
Past Events
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Breakfast with the board
- April 15th 2023 - Conflicts with renaissance fair
- 9am
- Member Orientation
- Tuesday March 21st @ 6pm
- Saturday April 8th @2:30pm
2023 Board Meetings
Decision Summary
- @DECISION: Ceramics Policy Update
Task Summary
- None