February 16th 2023
- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Standing Items
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Committee Reports
- 1.5.1 Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.2 Communications - Sherry Ibrahim
- 1.5.3 Events Committee - X
- 1.5.4 Facilities Committee - Joe Birzer
- 1.5.5 Finance Committee - Gary Titus
- 1.5.6 Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- 1.5.7 Letterpress - Doug Wilson
- 1.5.8 Lounge/Breakroom - LaDeana Dockery?
- 1.5.9 Garden - Sherry Ibrahim
- 1.5.10 IT - James Lancaster
- 1.5.11 Inventory - Ben Rogers
- 1.5.12 Membership (and Community Outreach) -
- 1.5.13 Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- 1.5.14 Scholarships - x
- 1.5.15 Security (and Safety) - Rustin Atkeisson
- 1.5.16 Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- 1.5.17 Welcome Center - Ben
- 1.6 Other Items Discussed
- 1.7 Past Events
- 1.8 Upcoming Events
- 1.9 Decision Summary
- 1.10 Task Summary
Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- Gary Titus, Treasurer
- Sherry Ibrahim, Vice President
- Doug Wilson, At-Large
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Ethan Doak, Secretary
- Aaron Rivers, At-Large
- Jeremy Blackburn
- Sam Speer
- Rayna Fisher
- Mike Barushok
- JT Payne
- Gaye Caine
- Ben Rogers
- Dean Day
- Brian Pressnall
- Jeremiah Burian
Standing Items
- Thanks & Recognition
- Dean Day and Ted McMullen for setting up the gallery for the Making Makers show
- Everyone who helped clean up for the Art Mixr - Jesse Schlenker, Dean Day, Ted McMullen, Malissa Long, Kathy Pike, Brian Wiles, Eric (? supercritical on forum), Sherry Ibrahim, LaDeana Dockery
Old Business
Collecting Demographic information
- Demographics survey complete
- ARPA grant should be ready to submit by the end of February
- Would like the board to review as well as the fundraising committee to review the grant before being submitted
Wichita Virtual School (USD 259) Education Imagine Academy
- Virtual school is coming in on Feb 21
- 1st activity will be making games for the Ronald McDonald House
- Will be here for 2 hrs on Tues, Wed, and Thurs
- Setup at 10am, will be from Noon to 2pm
- Tues and Thurs will be making the games
- Wed will be with high school students learning how to use CAD programs and doing vinyl cutting
- Will mostly be in the education hallways (will be reserving classroom 3 and 4)
- Will need gallery cleared out the day before
- Have James, Sherry, Malissa, LaDeana, John N. and maybe more members that will be helping
Surplus Auction
- Is in the works
- He is having to go through a 2nd auction company since the first one bailed
- New guy wants us to transport everything to their site, including the huge spot welder
- Working on a 3rd guy that can help with the spot welder
- No firm date yet
Art MiXR
- Went well
- may have opened a door to get a grant to repaint room 4 and get better lighting in the room as well as other things that would help enable the gallery to be even better
- this would be through Malissa and the Art Council
MakerFair - Exploration Place
- Rustin and Malissa attended panel meeting
- Event will be at both Exploration Place and the Advanced Learning Library for one day (Saturday August 26th from 10am to 5pm)
- So far the efforts have been aimed at getting performers and makers lined up
- Will be free to the public and for makers (as long as makers are not selling anything or needing power)
- Past participants should have been contacted by now about the event, but MakeICT will reach out to any participants that we have more current contact information for
Makerfest Market March 25 (11am-3pm)
- opened to vendor signup on 10 Feb, will open to non vendors on 24 Feb
- Need to submit permit. Will be $225, and may need Gary’s help with a check
Hoheisel’s invitation to join and help Cure Violence Global
- Rustin Atkeisson attended the 1st session
- The initiative sounds like a great way to give youth someone to talk to
- It sounded like paid staff with office space would have to be present at MakeICT for them to interact with local youth.
- Ultimately did not seem like MakeICT would be able to help with this initiative
- WIll reach out to Hoheisel and ask him to keep us in mind for future volunteer activities
New Business
Treasurer’s Report - Gary
- Had a positive income of about $2229
- That is after the expense of computer upgrades in classroom 2 as well as the 5 welding hoods in the metalshop
- They have been working hard to get accurate numbers
- James and Gary are still reconciling bills but are getting close
- Have a new finance member willing to help with quickbooks and write procedures
Minutes Approval
- Board to review minutes notes from November, December, and January
November: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/November_17th_2022
December: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/December_15th_2022
January: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/January_19th_2023
Motion to approve the minutes for November, December, and January as long as links to documents are fixed. 2nd by LaDeana
Vote: 5 approve, 0 abstain Vote Passes
Roof Funding
- As a last resort, finance committee and the treasurer would like to explore taking out a loan for the roof should we need to get the roof immediately (this does not mean taking out a loan at this point)
- Have had an insurance adjuster recently look at the roof and has verified that the roof is near the end of it’s life and has several pages of recorded storms that produced hail damage in the area
- Would need to sign an agreement with the insurance adjuster before finding out how much insurance might pay to help repair the roof
- We are still committed to doing whatever fundraising we can to avoid taking out a loan but we are still a ways off from the six figure amount needed to pay for the roof
- Did reach out to our insurance and notified them of our need for a claim
- Todd Kelly will be out Monday to look at the roof
Ceramics Studio Access Policy Update
- Link to current ceramic studio wiki page: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Ceramics_Area
- Ceramics studio does not currently have an access policy
- Gaye would like to add an access policy for the ceramics studio by adding the following lines:
- Use of the Ceramics Studio requires attendance in the area authorization
class. Completion of the authorization class will grant access to the area and use of the equipment…
Operation of the kiln is limited to the Ceramics Studio Lead, Assistant
Lead(s), and their designees.
- Main concern is the maintenance of the ceramics studio and not the safety
- Authorization Classes would be offered on more than just Tuesday nights
- Link to proposed access policy: Ceramics Area Policy
- Proposed Policy update to wiki page:
- Use of the Ceramics Studio requires attendance in the area authorization class. Completion of the authorization class will grant access to the area and use of the equipment.
- Operation of the kiln is limited to the Ceramics Studio Lead, Assistant Lead(s), and their designees.
- Members that have been using the ceramics studio prior to 2/16/2023 are authorized but are encouraged to contact the area lead and have a 1 on 1 session to answer any questions or concerns.
- Mike Barushok recommends updating the policy to be similar to textiles
- Recommend tabling the policy until the next boarding where we can do a review of the final form of the policy
Minor Maker Safety Committee
- Would like to change the age of when people can receive a badge
- Major concern of unattended children
- 3 parents have left minors have left children unattended with no idea of where their children are or up to
- A 4th left their children at the space unattended past midnight
- Curfew Law
- City covers this issue - children under 15 are not allowed to be unattended in public spaces past midnight
- On behalf of Membership Committee: Membership would like to clarify that members under the age of 16 need to be escorted by an adult in the same room
- Minor Maker Safety Recommends changing the minimum age to have a badge from 16 to 18 years of age
- Modify Standing Rule for Membership:
- Minors are allowed to become members, but require sponsorship by an adult. A parent or legal guardian must co-sign the minor's membership application and release of liability. Minors under the age of 16 need to be accompanied by an adult whenever at the space. Keys are available to members over the age of 16, following the key policy.
- Proposed Update:
- Minors need to be accompanied by an adult whenever at the space. Keys are available to members 18 and older, following the key policy. Minor members with badge access before 1-1-23 will retain adult privileges.
- Link to proposition: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Minor_Making_Suggested_Policy_Changes
- Modify Standing Rule for Membership:
- Gary requests to table the discussion since a motion is not present
- Doug motions that we amend the standing rule for membership to the following:
“Minors need to be accompanied by an adult whenever at the space. Keys are available to members 18 and older, following the key policy. Minor members with badge access before 1-1-23 will retain adult privileges.”
- 2nd by LaDeana
- 5 against. The motion Fails
Bee Kind Policy
- Bee Kind requests changing agreement for Bee Kind Committee to allow for the storage and use of bee hives on MakeICT property.
- Link to proposition: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/Bee_Kind_Committee_Suggested_Policy_Changed
- Link to Wiki page: Bee Kind committee
- Doug motions to consider having bee hives on MakeICT property per Bee Kind’s request with additional blueprints and research.
- 2nd By LaDeana
- 5 against. The motion fails
- Dean asks that everyone gets their stuff out of the gallery by the 21st. It is in everyone’s best interest to remove their projects before children from USD259 are present the 21st-23rd.
- Rustin would like to load Dean’s video to facebook to share what was in the gallery.
Board entered executive session
Board exited executive session
Rustin motions to dissolve the Bee Kind Committee. 2nd by LaDeana 5 vote in favor. Motion Passes
The members are still allowed to have bee related classes but the need for a committee is no longer there.
James motions that people involved with inappropriate comments be moderated or banned from the forum as determined by the board for up to 90 days. 2nd by Rustin 5 vote in favor. Motion Passes
Motion to adjourn by Gary, 2nd By LaDeana.
Committee Reports
Classroom Management Committee - LaDeana Dockery
Communications - Sherry Ibrahim
- Meetings:
- Recurring: 4th Wednesday @ 8pm primarily online
Events Committee - X
- See above (Classroom Management Committee)
Facilities Committee - Joe Birzer
- On Calendar Tuesday 6:30
Finance Committee - Gary Titus
- 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30
- Usually meet in Room 3 or the lounge (whichever is cooler)
Fundraising - Ethan Doak
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Thursday @ 7pm)
Letterpress - Doug Wilson
Lounge/Breakroom - LaDeana Dockery?
Garden - Sherry Ibrahim
plot rentals beginning as soon as we work out two small technical details solarization plastic removed and stored for future use first and second batch of seedlings have sprouted with lights donated by members the Sedgwick County Master Gardeners will have a 20'x20' demonstration test plot for tomatoes and peppers which they will care for; produce to be donated to Plant a Row etc meetings every 2 weeks on Sundays at 10AM (next one Sunday the 19th)
IT - James Lancaster
- Computer lab up, but not finished.
Inventory - Ben Rogers
- Next meeting on calendar (Standard schedule: every 2nd Wednesday @ 6pm)
- Ceramics has already completed their area inventory update
Membership (and Community Outreach) -
Membership as of 2022-04-14: 467 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-04-21: 466 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-05-12: 462 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-06-16: 459 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-07-21: 457 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-08-18: 456 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-09-18: 445 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-10-22: 452 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-11-17: 448 (plus 2 donors) Membership as of 2022-12-15: 449 Membership as of 2023-01-19: 468 Membership as of 2023-02-16: 480
- next meeting Monday January
Outreach (and Education) - LaDeana Dockery
- See Classroom above.
Scholarships - x
- As per committee policy: No meeting for a while, will need to be reviewed in August.
Security (and Safety) - Rustin Atkeisson
- have a couple more cameras up
- security asks that people not put tall objects on top of the glass cabinets in the West hall
Special Projects (and Makerfaire) - x
- See events
Welcome Center - Ben
Other Items Discussed
Past Events
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Breakfast with the board
- March 11th 2023
- 9am
- Member Orientation
- Saturday March 11th @2:30pm
- Tuesday March 21st @ 6pm
2023 Board Meetings
Decision Summary
- None
Task Summary
- None