August 17th 2023

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Board Members

  • Rustin Atkeisson, President
  • Aaron Rivers, Vice President
  • TBD, Treasurer
  • TBD, Secretary
  • James Lancaster, At-Large
  • LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
  • Gretchen Koch, At-Large
  • Mike Atherton, At-Large



  • Sam Richardson
  • Serena Oden-Powers
  • Mike Barushok
  • Dean Day
  • Sherry Ibrahim

Mission Statement

  • MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.

Thanks and Recognition

  • All the new leads for stepping up to the plate and doing an amazing job!
  • LaDeana and Malissa for their continued efforts to keep up with fundraising!

Old Business

Surplus Auction

  • Still got a couple items in room 2 to move
  • Mix of old metal and old wood as well as a barrel of fabric
  • May pitch if woodshop does not see a need for the materials

MakerFair - Exploration Place

  • Rustin and John Harrison have been asked to lead up the “tinker corner” of maker fair this year
  • Exploration Place came out to MakeICT on 7/10 to talk with members about how they can get involved
  • Next meeting a 7PM on the 19th (on calendar)
  • Will most likely have 3 booths representing makeict might include demos making:
    • Foam hats
    • PancakeBot
    • Painting rocks
    • LED stickers

Roof Funding

  • Construction to begin mid-September and be completed by start of October
  • Payment is not due until Construction is complete
  • Need to raise $38,000 to keep from digging into reserves
  • Currently raised: $500
  • Have 2 grants in the works, but neither will pay before September
  • This past month we saw more income from membership dues but less from workshop fees.
  • More donations last month than this month

New Business

Treasurer’s Report

Income $15,000, Utilities insight Instructor pay $ Shop expenses $ Total expenses $ , above or below budget Positive or negative for the month

  • Currently have a 1yr budget, but we do need to look at a 5yr financial plan
  • Please donate to the roof fund*

Approval of Previous Minutes

  • 6/29/2023 Minutes:
  • 7/20/2023 Minutes:
  • Rustin motions to accept the minutes for the both meetings, June 29 and July 20 2023
  • Mike A moves to table the July 20th minutes due to additional comments
  • Rustin updates the motion to accept the minutes for June 29, 2023
    • LaDeana 2nds
    • Ladeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - Yes
  • Motion Passes

Open Positions / Lead Changes

  • Several positions have recently been vacated and we need to find people willing to support these positions
  • Positions include and suggested leads
    • Visual Arts - Kristian has been a member less than a week, but is interested in being lead
    • Textiles - June Huie, as lead & Rayna Fisher, as co-lead
    • Jewelry - (Mike A interim)
    • Communications -
    • Fundraising -
    • Inventory - may have a member interested, James Lancaster will follow up
  • James moves to accept June Huie and Rayna Fisher as leads of Textiles.
    • Aaron seconds
    • Rustin asserts that only one Bento card will be issued, and the appropriate lead contact him to have it issued.
  • Vote by acclamation
  • No objections, and the vote passes

Board Positions

  • 2 Open Positions - Secretary, Treasure
  • VP was voted on, and Aaron Rivers elected.
    • Rustin and James are handling the Treasury work
    • Gretchen is helping with the Secretary role
    • Should the other positions be elected or appointed?
      • If appointed from existing board members, at large members would still need to be elected
  • Rustin moves to appoint Gretchen Koch as secretary for the remainder of 2023-2024 term.
    • LaDeana seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - Abstain
  • Motion passes
  • Rustin moves that we have one more election for another member at large as well as treasurer.
    • LaDeana seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - Abstain
  • Motion passes
  • Will Doug run the election committee one more time? Serena texts him. He says. “Sure. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Policy Update - Building Access Policy

  • This policy change makes it explicit that it must come from security or a board member.
  • Rustin moves to accept the updated building access policy
    • LaDeana seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - Yes
  • Motion passes

How to contact board members or other leads

  • Through the years, different boards have had different preferences on how they are contacted
    • Past years have had a preference by facebook or text
    • The current preference is by the appropriate email
      •,,, etc
  • Mike Barushok has updated the wiki to help with this concern

Dispute Resolution Committee

  • The Code of Conduct Reporting Committee requests to change their name to something less confusing - Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC). All permutations of CoC, COCC, COCRC, etc. are too confusing, and the CoC should stand for the Code of Conduct itself.
  • Mike A moves to accept the name change and update the wiki to reflect it.
    • Aaron seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - Yes
  • Motion passes


  • Serena reads the following statement on behalf of the DRC:

In an effort to promote as transparent a process as possible, while maintaining a confidentiality standard also as high as possible, the DRC offers this brief summary of our recent activities.

As of this week the DRC has made several determinations about incidents at Make ICT regarding a number of violations of the Code of Conduct. Fortunately, the majority of these did not rise to the level of needing the Board’s attention/action.

Many have been filed should further action be needed in the future. Some have been closed as there are other social media involved and they have a more appropriate system for dealing with these reports. A relatively small number have been brought before the Board for immediate response. We have been taking action on the forums where appropriate and as needed.

We have reached out to other committees to foster an environment of cooperation in enforcing the Code of Conduct in all of our spaces. We have a number of reports that all fall under the umbrella of members needing education, but within the same type of education. With this in mind, the DRC will be submitting for public release a few reminders about making sure no one is being held as a “conversational hostage” by others while in the space.

  • After some discussion about how this "public release" should be issued, she requests that whoever writes the next newsletter includes a clarification that holding someone “conversational hostage” is a practice that has been reportedly taking place here, and needs to be acknowledged as unacceptable. She asks for a generic public “Hey guys, don’t do that” type of message. Newsletter seems best.
  • She has four recommendations to present, and asks for an executive session. This is granted for 40 minutes, following a 5 minute break.
  • Gretchen will abstain from DRC-related votes
  • Person A - Mike A moves for indefinite revocation of membership
    • Aaron seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - abstains
    • Gretchen - abstains
  • Motion passes.
  • Person B - Mike A moves for indefinite revocation of membership
    • Aaron seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - abstains
    • Gretchen - abstains
  • Motion passes
  • Person C part 1 - LaDeana moves to accept the recommendation that the person’s key will be turned off, pending completion of the key revocation process
    • Mike A seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - abstain
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - abstains
  • Motion passes
  • Person C part 2 - LaDeana moves to remove this person from security
    • James seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - abstain
    • Aaron - No
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - abstains
  • Motion passes
  • Person D - Aaron moves for indefinite revocation of membership
    • Mike A seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - abstain
    • Gretchen - abstains
  • Motion passes
  • Badge access will be revoked for persons A-D.
  • Rustin says we’ll need to be explicit in creating a form of appeal, according to the bylaws. Mike A agrees, since we don’t have one currently.

Probationary Members

  • The following people shall no longer be considered probationary members of the DRC:
    • Tony Reid has explicitly stated that he no longer wishes to be considered for the DRC.
    • Russell Owens has been uninvolved except for attending the joint DRC/IT/Security meeting.
    • Mike Barushok also shall not be considered for the DRC.
  • Aaron says that the DRC should not be a self-appointed committee, suggesting that this equates to favoritism.
  • Serena says that the DRC functions by consensus, that at a certain point the committee needs to reach an agreement so they can decide on how to proceed.
  • Mike A suggests that this process is much like how the board operates. Dissent is part of the consensus.
  • Serena says the committee is absolutely cognizant of the concerns.
  • Mike A moves to reject the probationary candidates for the DRC
    • Gretchen seconds
    • LaDeana - Yes
    • Mike A - Yes
    • Aaron - Yes
    • James - Yes
    • Gretchen - Yes
  • Motion passes

Committee Reports

Garden Area

  • Would like a hydrant added to the garden area
  • Majority of funds in garden were spent at the start of the year
  • Do not have a current exact estimate for cost, but current cost would require a 3rd party to dig under utilities
    • Ballpark cost would be about $1500
    • Would be done at a plumber’s convenience since he has offered to do the labor at zero cost to the makerspace (would still have to pay for materials)
    • Would most likely happen in October
    • Garden would like permission to pursue the hydrants pending funding being available
      • Aaron wants the go-ahead to make inquiries about an estimate.
      • Mike A wants to know if the financial requirements get out of control. Aaron says he’ll explore grants and donations but no blank checks would be written.
      • James points out that facilities approval will be required.


  • Would like to pursue moving the jewelry lab to room 1
  • Currently struggling to run classes with more than 2 people at a time given space and equipment limitations
  • An experienced jeweler has offered to donate more equipment that would aid in those classes
  • Safety considerations have been looked at for moving to room 1
    • The considerations have been shown that there should not be a limitation to move to room 1
    • Dean suggests having another meeting to discuss this proposal.
    • Rustin is willing to have a discussion about that outside of this meeting.
  • Aaron moves to make space within classroom 1 for the jewelry lab, No one seconds.


  • Pothole situation
    • Rustin got a quote for $500 but also asked Joe and Wes (facilities), who said they have a tractor and trailer and would be willing to handle it for $60.
    • Mike Barushok asks if previous boards have considered blacktop. Rustin said when we moved into the building we looked at concrete for $50,000, asphalt was about half that price, and we went with the cheapest option.
    • Serena requests that new rocks be kept away from the handicap space. She further wants to explore adding more handicap spaces.
    • How many spaces would be enough? Serena estimates that three would work. Her abilities are variable— some days walking is fine and sometimes it isn’t. And other people are worse off.
    • Aaron proposes we agree to ask Facilities to investigate adding more handicap spaces. We agree.

Upcoming Events

  • Maker Monday
    • 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Member Orientation
    • Tuesday August 22nd @6pm
    • Saturday September 9th @2:30pm
    • Tuesday September 19th @6pm

Decision Summary

  • None

Task Summary

  • None

Upcoming Events

  • Maker Monday
    • 2nd and 4th Mondays
  • Member Orientation
    • Tuesday August 22nd @6pm
    • Saturday September 9th @2:30pm
    • Tuesday September 19th @6pm

Decision Summary

    Task Summary