July 20th 2023
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- 1.1 Attendance
- 1.2 Old Business
- 1.3 New Business
- 1.3.1 Approval of Previous Minutes
- 1.3.2 Property Removal Policy Update - Taking Offers Form
- 1.3.3 Compensation For Instructors Policy Update
- 1.3.4 Bento Card Policy Update
- 1.3.5 VP Election
- 1.3.6 Security/COC/IT/Board/Forum relationship
- 1.3.7 Member on scholarship
- 1.3.8 Open Positions / Lead Changes
- 1.3.9 Ceramics Funding
- 1.3.10 COCRC New members
- 1.3.11 COCRC Executive Session
- 1.3.12 Policy Update
- 1.4 Committee Reports
- 1.5 Upcoming Events
- 1.6 Decision Summary
- 1.7 Task Summary
Board Members
- Rustin Atkeisson, President
- Nicole Reid, Treasurer
- Mindy McKinley, Secretary
- LaDeana Dockery, At-Large
- Michael Atherton, At-Large
- Gretchen Koch, At-Large
- James Lancaster, At-Large
- Kez Cook
- Tony Reid
- Mike Barushok
- Russell Owens
- Aaron Rivers
- Serena Oden-Powers
- Jeremy Blackburn, online
Mission Statement
- Rustin reminds us of the mission statement: MakeICT is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is operated entirely by volunteers. It’s our mission to innovate, learn, and build community at the intersection of art, technology, science, and culture.
Thanks and Recognition
- To the new board members for already getting involved and actively trying to get up to speed
- James, LaDeana, Jeremy Blackburn, and Malissa Long for putting together everything for the Cultural Funding Grant!
- Tony Reid, Russell Owens, Nicole Reid, Michael Atherton, Sandra Zackula, Devin Halsey for keeping ceramics moving!
- Rustin mentions garden gathering on Sunday. If you are interested in helping out with the garden, check out the garden gathering.
- Forum moderators for putting in a lot of time.
Reminder of Rights of the President during meetings
- President can set time limits for speakers
- President can shut down conversations as necessary
- President can eject people from the meeting if they do not cooperate
- President can decide whether or not meetings are in person or online (future meetings will be all in person)
Reminder of Rights of Board Members during meetings
- Any board member can force a vote to be called if a motion is on the table and has been seconded. This can be done by the board member saying ‘ask the question’.
Old Business
Surplus Auction
- Still got a couple items in room 2 to move
- Rustin states we should consider these items trash
- They are podiums/stages
- Could list them for free on facebook marketplace?
MakerFair - Exploration Place
- Event is August 28th
- Rustin and John Harrison have been asked to lead up the ‘tinker corner’ of maker fair this year
- Exploration Place came out to MakeICT on 7/10 to talk with members about how they can get involved
- Will most likely have 3 booths representing makeict might include demos making:
- foam hats
- paper airplanes
- LED stickers
- Need volunteers for this
- We can have an inside spot if we have volunteers who would rather volunteer in the A/C
ICTComic Con
- Event is 8/25-8/27
- Been asked to run a booth at the event
- Looking for help with running the booth and getting the patterns cut (maybe on the foam cutter)
Election Committee
- Election ending June 20th completed and met quorum to accept the results
- May need help in having a 2nd election to appoint a vice president
- Doug Wilson is willing to head the election committee
- Mike motions to accept doug as head of election committee
- Gretchen seconds
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
- Motion passes 6 yeses
Roof Funding
- Construction to begin mid-September and be completed by start of October
- Payment is not due until Construction is complete
- Need to raise $38,000 to keep from digging into reserves
- Currently raised: $500
- We are tentatively getting about a $3,800 grant from ARPA, up to $5,000 is possible from this grant
New Business
Approval of Previous Minutes
- Gretchen states the 6/29 minutes have a problem with “permanent” versus “indefinite” expulsion
- James says we need to check what the motion was during the meeting
- Gretchen states the motion was “permanent expulsion”
- Nicole states the person of concerns’ names should be removed from minutes, wiki, and COCRC determination
- 7/12/2023 Minutes: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/July_12th_2023
- 6/29/2023 Minutes: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/June_29th_2023
- 6/23/2023 Minutes: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/June_23rd_2023
- 6/15/2023 Minutes: https://wiki.makeict.org/wiki/June_15th_2023
- Mindy motions to approve the July 12, June 23rd and June 15th minutes
- Michael seconds
- Nicole Reid - Yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
- Motion passes 6 yeses
- June 29th minutes will move to August board meeting to be approved after recommended edits
Property Removal Policy Update - Taking Offers Form
- Current policy does not state what to do if no one puts an offer in the alloted time
- Would like to give the lead the options to either put the item into a group auction sale or list it on other sale platforms like craigslist and facebook marketplace
- Nicole states we leave this on the minutes and wait until the next board meeting to vote on this
- Should post this on the forum for transparency
- Need to rewrite to clarify that this is for items that do not pass the 3-nerd rule, this is not a replacement of the 3-nerd rule
- Mike B. states that 501c3 rules prohibit donations being sold before 6 months, need to define surplus better. He states we need a better policy for tracking donations
- James states there is a storage policy
- Rustin recommends this is a job for the inventory committee
- Inventory committee meeting is Wednesday, August 9th at 6pm
- Anyone who is interested in helping rewrite this policy should plan to attend this inventory meeting
- Kez points out that auction winners could be members, the policy states that every auction winner needs to be accompanied
Compensation For Instructors Policy Update
- There is currently no policy or rule that prevents the treasurer from printing a check for him/herself
- Would like to revise policy to require the President to sign/approve payment for any transaction made to the treasurer
- Nicole states there will be further edits, comments, suggestions on this policy
- Good idea to separate this edit into two edits
- First edit changes how the class instructor is no longer paid if the student does not pay for the class
- Nicole states that instructors should be checking in the participants and not letting the student take the class if they have not paid
- The issue comes from people paying for a class without putting the class name, date, student name, etc. on the envelope, this is impossible for treasurer to track down
- Russell recommends a separate policy for members than nonmembers, such as nonmembers must pay 7 days in advance
- LaDeana thinks this policy used to exist
- Recommendation that nonmembers must pay via paypal, only members can pay cash
- Nicole states that we should have a meeting to discuss this policy further
- LaDeana states that this would fall under the classroom meeting
- Next classroom committee is July 25th at 8pm in classroom 3, we will discuss this policy further during that meeting
- 2nd point is about instructors volunteering their time
- Instructors can donate their class fees back to MakeICT
- This income is not reported on your taxes
Bento Card Policy Update
- Current Bento card policy limits the cards to only be assigned to leads
- Would like to be able to appoint additional people to help with other
- Rustin moves to revise the policy as stated
- Mindy seconds
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
Motion passes 6 yeses
VP Election
- Will have a special election for a new vice president
- Asking that the election committee
- Current VP candidates:
- Dean Day
- Aaron Rivers
- Election will tentatively start the 2nd week of August and run 48 hours like previous elections
Security/COC/IT/Board/Forum relationship
- COC’s purpose is to review issues that are sent by the reporting email or by the Google Form
- Security handles in person enforcement of results but does not need COC input to act on immediate issues under security’s perview
- IT will handles the electronic enforcement of results but does not need COC input to act on immediate issues under IT’s purview
- Moderators can take action without COC input including banning members from the forum
- Board is involved to approve or review of actions by all 3 groups
- Leads are responsible for reporting issues they come across to COC if they think it is something beyond what a lead should handle
- Rustin would like to come up with a more formal procedure for how we handle issues that arise
- There are two people who would like to join the COCRC
- The COCRC would like to vet the potential members before allowing them to join the COCRC
- COCRC is a board appointed position
- There is no formal vetting process
- Michael states there is a book: “How to Respond to Code of Conduct Reports by Valerie Aurora and Mary Gardiner”
- Serena asks for an executive session to discuss how the COCRC operates
- Serena warns that the COCRC is the most stressful and dangerous committee
- Aaron Rivers states that everything on the forum should not be considered someone volunteering, needs to be a direct contact
- Kez asks that leadership respond to emails in a timely manner
Member on scholarship
- A member on scholarship has requested to extend their scholarship another 6 months.
- Needs to be executive session discussion
- Scholarships usually make monthly fee $10, and are usually 6 months at a time
- Mindy moves to approve the scholarship
- Nicole seconds
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
- Motion passes 6 yeses
Open Positions / Lead Changes
- Several positions have recently been vacated and we need to find people willing to support these positions
- Positions include and suggested leads
- Woodshop - Aaron Rivers
- Ceramics - Russell Owens
- Garden - Sean Sandefur
- Visual Arts - (Kim Nguyen interim)
- Textiles -
- Jewelry - (Michael Atherton interim)
- Communications -
- Fundraising -
- Security - Michael Atherton
- ADAH - Serena Oden-Powers
- Inventory -
- Concessions/breakroom - Gemma Blackburn Interim
- Welcome Area - (Gemma Blackburn?)
- COC chair - Serena Oden-Powers
- ADAH is the policies, COCRC is the investigation and determinations
- If you are interested in taking on one of these positions, contact directors@makeict.org
- Nicole moves we accept the leads and chair below:
- Michael seconds
- Woodshop - Aaron Rivers
- Ceramics - Russell Owens
- Security - Michael Atherton
- ADAH - Serena Oden-Powers
- Concessions/breakroom - Gemma Blackburn (Interim)
- Welcome Area - Gemma Blackburn
- COC chair - Serena Oden-Powers
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
- Motion passes 6 yeses
- Garden - Sean Sandefur
- Rustin moves to approve Sean for Garden lead
- Seconded by James
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
Motion passes 6 yeses
Ceramics Funding
- Russell asks for approx $1800 to purchase a new skutt wheel, would be able to purchase with personal funds and allow makeict to “rent to own”
- Nicole says ceramics has approx $800 to spend from old fundraiser
COCRC New members
- Mike B says in May of last year the board approved an amendment to the policies that allows the Board to appoint people to COCRC
- Mike objects to this to be pushed to the next meeting, he states he is here to be appointed to the COCRC
- Rustin states that there are three people here who are interested in joining this committee
- Rustin asks each of these people to think if they are willing to dedicate the time and hardship to joining this committee
- Serena is concerned that the male/female balance is off on the COCRC, her and Gretchen are only female members. The three people interested in joining the committee are male.
- The COCRC is especially asking for women or minorities to join the committee
- Kez states we need to be concerned about what people would think if the board keeps putting this off
COCRC Executive Session
- Serena asks for an executive session
- Rustin states executive session will start 8:35pm for 20 minutes
- Another executive session from 8:55pm to 9:15pm
- Rustin moves that we approve Russell Owens, Anthony Reid, and Mike Barushok as probationary members of the COCC, to be reviewed at the next regular board meeting
- LeDeana seconds
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
- Motion passes 6 yeses
- Nicole moves to approve the purchase of a new pottery wheel contingent on ceramics department raising half the funds, no more than $950 will come from MakeICT General fund
- Mindy seconds
- Nicole Reid - yes
- Mindy McKinley - yes
- Michael Atherton - yes
- LaDeana Dockery - yes
- James Lancaster - yes
- Gretchen Koch - yes
- Motion passes 6 yeses
- Mindy motions to adjourn
- Michael seconds
Policy Update
Committee Reports
Upcoming Events
- Maker Monday
- 2nd and 4th Mondays
- Member Orientation
- Saturday August 12th @2:30pm
- Tuesday August 22nd @6pm
Decision Summary
- None
Task Summary
- None