Key Policy

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A key that grants 24/7 access to the MakeICT Makerspace can be obtained, at the discretion of the Security Group, by members who meet the following criteria:

Obtaining a key

  1. Participate in a New Member Orientation and be an active member in good standing with MakeICT and all of its programs.
  2. Become part of the community by completing a Key Application Form that includes the following:
    • A few multiple-choice and short answer questions to learn more about you.
    • 3 signature fields to meet some members of our community:
      • You
      • A board member
      • A member of security
    • Signers will get acquainted with you by asking you questions about yourself.
    • Some rules that you must adhere to including but not limited to:
  3. Contact the Security Team and submit your Key Application Form to request a key.
    • Security Officers will ask you questions to become acquainted with you, similar to when you received your signatures.

Having a key

  • Each member who retains a key and access to the space must have a completed Key Application Form on file.

Losing a key

  • A lost key must be reported immediately so that it can be deactivated. If the key is found later, it can be reactivated.
  • Replacement keys are $5.00.
Revoking key access
  • The following events may result in forfeiture of your key:
    • Loaning your key to any other person.
    • Duplicating your key without authorization.
    • Disobeying any policy set by MakeICT or any of its programs.
  • Any active Security Officer may deactivate a key of a member and must immediately notify the Lead Security Officer.
  • In the event a key is revoked, Lead Security Officer shall notify the appropriate member, the Makerspace Area Leads, and the Board of Directors of the reason by phone or E-mail within 48 hours.
Regaining key access
  • If a member's key is revoked, they can request another one by filling out another Key Application Form and submitting it to the Board of Directors.

Special cases


Initial policy approved by the board on January 2, 2017. Additions to the policy were approved on May 30 2017, October 16 2017, May 21 2018, and February 20th 2025.